Well it's been a while since my last missive, I imagine my dear readers have been frantically refreshing my blog page in anticipation of receiving nourishment from the font of wisdom....
Well refresh no longer, here is the latest installment in the continuing adventures of a middle aged family man. So whats been happening, what have I done to initiate this post? Well nothing really. Um, I've been to the Peak, and it was wet. I went to Almscliff, and just worked some stuff without ticking anything and I've done a lot of very sloppy shits in the evil clutches of gastroenteritis, happy times.
However some people have been doing things. Some cheeky Americans have come over here and apparently rather easily dispatched several testpieces on our beloved grit in really rather good style. Stevie is embarrassed, along with a couple of other people and the obituary for British trad will appear in this weekends Telegraph. How terrible.
Well done chaps, I'm impressed.
South Snowdonia Bouldering Videos
8 months ago