Well the new year is well and truly started, it's only a couple of months or so until I head off to Font for two weeks. I guess the time has come to take stock, check on progress and assess my chance of success in reaching my ultimate goal. Thinking about it it is now almost 12 months since I started climbing again in any continuous and sustained way. So looking back what was I up to a year ago?
Well here's a summary:
Generally operating in the mid-sixes area
Occassionally getting a 7A in a session, but usually multiple visits
Failing on anything harder
And now?
Generally operating in the mid-sevens area
Have flashed up to 7A+
Have done some 7C's, generally in two sessions
Have sieged one 8A, multiple sessions until success.
So there has been definite progress, but is it enough? Honestly? Probably not. I still fully intend to go to Font and try to climb an 8A there. But I intend to do this with a realistic expectation of success. As such I imagine my 8A attempts will be either to rule problems out as not being appropriate for me or as groundwork for successful ascents next year (or the year after). This isn't to say that I am resigned to failing to achieve my goal, far from it. I am psyched out of my tiny mind to get on any of a number of 8A's and pull down as hard as I possibly can. But to approach the goal with an excess of confidence would lead to feelings of negativity as deadlines loomed and success receded into the distance, a downward spiral that would have no benefits on my future climbing (yes I have goals beyond 8A). It is often said that goals need to be achievable but I'm not so sure it's that simple. I think in order to really push yourself goals need to be right on the very limit of achievable. And if that means that on occassion these goals stray over into the realms of unachievable then so be it. As long as I am prepared to accept that this goal in this timeframe could go beyond my limits then I can accept failure. In fact it won't be failure, it will merely be that I reach some other goal that was that little bit more attainable.
So for the rest of the run up to Font? Well I have several lines worked that I need to get finished off. I'd like to try and flash a 7B. Another 8A would be amazing, preferably on grit. But right now I'm carrying a bit of a left shoulder/elbow injury so the main priority is getting that straight, although I am still desperate to climb, aaaarghhhh....
South Snowdonia Bouldering Videos
8 months ago
Get on Duel you slab ninja :)
A-ha, part of the point of this aim is that I attempt to get up something that I would traditionally discount as too steep/not my style. Hence the interest in Fata Morgana, Beaux Quartiers etc.
I'd like to match my previous best, but in a different style.
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