An afternoon at Trowbarrow with G-unit in the drizzle, what fun.
On the way up I stopped off at Hyning Wood to have a gander at Transgenic, it was damp/wet but looks like a cracking line so I'm keen to get on it (add it to the list, which is getting silly long now). Anyway then on to Trowbarrow, G was already there as was Jordan of Buys. Having never met him before he came across as a thoroughly splendid chap. Another brilliant climber who also happens to be a very good egg, I love that about climbing.
Anyway I tried Pit problem as did G. We both failed, G at least managed to look like he was making movement upwards towards the next hold. I on the other hand managed to pull off the ground, not move at all, then fall back to the ground. Wank, wank, wank, I hate this problem. Some people seem to like it but I have to say I think it is a stupid contrived shit problem which climbs really badly. There I've said it. I'm not trying it again.......probably.
Anyway the we moved on to Vitruvian, or rather G did. I've already done it so I had a few goes but lacked that extra psyche that comes from doing something for the first time. Jordan was trying Iron Man, and was using a very different sequence to me. Basically he was going much further left than me, then back right to get into the start of Vitruvian. Whereas I went pretty much straight up into Vitruvian. It was interesting to see this as I had never even considered trying it the way he was. I guess that's the risk of working a problem in a vacuum.
Anyway G was getting closer on the move on Vitruvian, even if he doesn't think so. If he keeps working it I'm sure he'll stick it, just get the muscle engrams programmed and blah blah blah.
Then I tried Ned's Problem,which is awesome. It does the start of Iron Man (which is really nice climbing), then does a really nice sequence to the top holds on Pit Problem (which is really nice climbing) and then does the top bit of Pit Problem (which is the only bit of Pit Problem worth climbing and is really nice climbing). So all in all really nice climbing. Anyway I tried the middle move in isolation, then Jordan flashed it, then I tried it from the start and fluffed the last move, then did it. It was drizzling so the finish rocking onto the slab felt interesting... Anyway it's a really nice problem, highly recommended if your in the area and want a 7B tick. It was nice to do it quickly too, just a couple of goes.
Then it started raining more earnestly and G was getting no further on VM so the tiime had come to move on. A speculative trip to Woodwell found Not Bad Dave SDS to be damp, but we tried it anyway. The first few moves felt pretty steady to me, then there are a couple of hard slappy moves that I didn't stick, then the top which seemed fine (I only had one go at it and missed a slap for a hold but it was quite damp and yadda yadda...). I think in the dry and fresh the couple of middle moves should go down. Just need to heel the heel right up and applique le boeuf, n'est pas? And another one joins the list, and another on joins, and another one joins, and another one joins the list...
Off to St Bee's (probably) on Sunday, so I'll doubtless return with an even longer to-do-list. Toodle-pip old beans.
South Snowdonia Bouldering Videos
8 months ago
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