Tuesday 5 January 2010

Happy New Year

Went out for the first time this year yesterday. A trip up to Silverdale with the G-unit. I was hopeful for a not too shabby performance as ongoing underlying plague infection over the festive period meant weight gain was probably at a minimum (although I have no measure of this fact so could be very wrong).

Anyway it wasn't to be, at Warton after doing Plubline in a few goes I then failed to do the crux move on Ebeneezer Goode and failed to do the Poison extension. Then on to Woodwell where I failed to do Anna, then failed to do anything else at all. Rubbish.

Oh well, things were pretty dry up there, though I guess they may not be now. But it was incredibly glassy, which is hardly surprising as G was predicting -4 as the max temp, so friction was pretty much non-existant. I think once the year and myself have warmed up a bit then some of these should get crushed/satched/rinsed/whatever.

Snowing like a very snowy thing now so I think it's going to be a week of board work to get the body firing again then out and about for a tour of CRUSH/DISAPPOINTMENT*

* delete as appropriate.

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