Having previously briefly tried Ben's roof a couple of weeks ago I headed over to the Tor Tuesday evening with the intention of crushage. I met Mike there and got my angry eyes in. Sadly I forgot to engage brain so completely bished my footwork sequence through the crux. Rather than realising I'd got the numbers wrong instead I scratched my head and carried on trying the same thing and expecting a different result. Should have used SCIENCE. Finally the light dawned and I remembered the right thing to do,only I was now to boxed to do it. Went home. Mike was looking like he could get it done with a bit of work, he floats through the start moves with the grace of a short balding middle aged swan, and that's a thing of beauty my friends.
Back Thursday evening with Rick as chaperone, he wasn't even registering a simple enthusiasm rating on the SYKEOMETER. But still gamely put on his shoes and did a bit of sitting on the mat and touching holds, sweet skills. I warmed up with my first attempt but dropped off with painfull fingers (not a classic warm up but hey-ho), second attempt felt cruisey but a foot slip saw me stood on the ground looking foolish. Third attempt and it was in the bag, steady eddy, really should have done it on Tuesday but pleased with the tick nonetheless.
Rick then got into Powerband, I also had a dabble. Hard last move still, ooooof, something to come back to. Also had a go (literally A go) at Pump Up The Power, quite keen to get on this as a route maybe. Get me a sport 8 tick to complete the triumverate, yeeee-haaaaaaaaaa....
South Snowdonia Bouldering Videos
8 months ago
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