Sunday 15 March 2009

Lets get multimedia, boom.

Some more video, me on Pig in a Pokey and me making the (possible?) first ascent of Okey Dokey:

Nik bouldering at Buckstones from GCW on Vimeo.

And a photo of GCW on the Fridge Hugger Project when it was still a project:

My sequence has my right hand where GCW's right is, then I put my left toe on a foothold that can be seen just inside the bend of GCW's left elbow whilst my left hand is on the obvious chalky hold just left of GCW's right hand. Then once my foot is on I slap my left hand out to where GCW's left hand is in the photo, this tends to make your left hip joint feel like it's going to explode. Then move the right hand onto the hold just left of GCW's right hand and press it down to get your right foot up next to the right hand. Then stand up and reach up with the right past all the chalky holds on the two aretes to a reasonable hold just below the flake/ripple/do-dah at the top of the photo. A hideous sequence for the tall, not much better for the short.

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