Sunday morning where else would I be at 7:30 in the morning other than entertaining a snotty son. Bob the builder rules.
Had a slightly frustrating week for several reasons. Firstly work, now I don't want to go on a big rant about this because lots of us have jobs a responsibilities and people still cope and manage their time to allow for training, climbing and relaxing but...
...well you know.
Anyway the other frustrations have also been the usual suspects:
Hot humid weather
Disappointing performance
Sore joints
Injured finger
I feel like my elderly body has been holding me back this week. Especially my hips which have been very painful (to the extent that I'm going to start on the cod liver oil). Some people seem to have young fit bodies that can absorb endless punishment and turn it into muscle, flexibility and technique. I on the other hand appear to have a prematurely aged body that can only convert physical stress into pain and injury.
Anyway after getting eaten alive at Earl on Monday I didn't climb until thursday afternoon when I went to CyL. The only thing I wanted to try there was Big Marine so I just leapt straight on it like an idiot. NOTE TO SELF: Warm up, warm up, warm up!!
Anyway it felt a bit greasy and was really hot there but at the end of the day conditions weren't bad so no excuses. I got to the last move several times and just failed to commit to trying the move. It felt very high, and due to the steepness of the problem my mat was no longer beneath me for the last move. Finally I decided to move the mat out to protect the last move as I could get to the move easily. Obviously having moved the mat out next attempt I greased of the second move and landed with my right foot on the edge of the mat twisting my ankle slightly. Great add ankle sprain to the list of injuries....
Luckily not a bad sprain, just a tweak, but enough to convince me to bin it. Went home in a strop.
Then yesterday went to Brimham with G. He was desperate to fall of the last move of The Grouch several more times. An objective he achieved with ease, good one G. I turned up en famile and we messed around at the niche just bimbling about then proceeded to get progressively more and more spanked as the temperature went through the roof. Must have been one of the hottest days of the year, gaaarrrgghhh should have been on the lime.
Anyway G had to go early then Kirsty had a go at climbing and all didn't go well, she got annoyed, Dylan needed a sleep and it was very hot. So we binned it and went home. So I didn't really get on anything of concequence. Family days out are great but not classic for getting on harder problems. Anyway felt quite frustrated in the evening, still with energy to burn but lacking the motivation to walk the 20 odd metres to the board. Then Kirsty suggested that she might go on the board. Obviously she felt the same lack of achievement as me from the days climbing, but she had the will-power to do something about it. Well that was impetus enough for me. In the end it was a good (if a bit short) session on the board. Did probably the hardest problem yet on the board which I think would probably rate about Font 7c. Font 7c isn't exactly the bleeding edge of bouldering performance but to climb 7c in a single session is pretty good for me right now, although obviously in the near future it wil be approaching a rest etc etc etc.
Anyway Bob the builder is about to finish so I'll have to go...
South Snowdonia Bouldering Videos
8 months ago
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