Why have I started a blog? What makes me think that my life would interest anybody to the extent that they would wish to read a collection of muddled, random musings? To be honest, absolutely nothing. This blog is to perform one simple function and that is to provide me with a means to monitor my progress in achieving a goal in a specific timeframe. Should it fail in that respect then I will cease to post and it will (like so many things on the internet) wither and die. Given the very specific nature of this blog I see no reason to attempt to promote it to a wider audience than myself. As such if you are reading this and you are not me then I would suggest that you may want to move on to a blog which has been written with the reader in mind. If however you find yourself fascinated with snippets of my life and opinions then get yourself a warm drink, a piece of cake, settle in that comfy chair and read on.....
So what goal am I hoping to achieve? That is easily summarised in a short sentence:
"I wish to climb a Font 8a boulder problem on my trip to Fontainebleau in Easter 2009."
What does that mean? Well to most people absolutely nothing, but I have neither the time nor the inclination to provide further definition on the basics of climbing, grading and Fontainebleau. Suffice it to say that if you are still reading this (why?) and you want to know more then search the net, the information is out there. However I am willing to paint a fuller picture of who I am and why I have this goal. I am a 33 year male from the UK who for the purposes of this blog goes by the name of Keeg. I have been climbing for about 13 years however in recent years real life (job, family, mortgage etc etc) have interfered with my climbing obsession. I have recently rediscovered my motivation to climb and so am aiming to match my previous best bouldering performance. And where else to climb Font 8a than Fontainebleau (well Switzerland springs to mind...).
South Snowdonia Bouldering Videos
8 months ago
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