To climb without focus,motivation and drive is for me (in terms of getting anything done) a pretty wasteful exercise.
Went to Kilnsey on Thursday and didn't feel the SYKE. Met up with the Guru, Waffles, G-unit and J-Kay. I had half-baked plans before getting there and had failed to develop any solid aims so in the end I failed to do WYSIWYG as a warm up for failing on everything else.
Grooved Arete felt horrible conditions to me, though nobody else seemed to be struggling. Comedy felt like a goer but attempts were curtailed by a dog chasing Bammers down onto the road - not happy (me or Bammers). Hmmm, I think I have too many unfinished pieces of business at Kilnsey and I need to get focussed. But what to choose?
Comedy - I can probably do this quickly but that would be the only reason for choosing it
Metal Mickey - is very bouldery so suits me but could take a long time to link it.
Grooved Arete - isa bit too long and sustained for me, but is very good and would be good training for further route based aspirations.
Hmmmm, I think I'll probably back-burner Comedy, or have it as the reserve option should the other two be unavailable. But which of the two left should I focus on? I think I'll have a ponder...
South Snowdonia Bouldering Videos
8 months ago
Just M.T.F.U.
Or put them both on hold for a slightly easier quick SYKE tick. Something you can do in a couple of visits to whet the appetite and fire the motivation?
Both valid comments chaps. GCW you have a point. Uptown I think I'm still very SYKED for GA, however I also think I want to try it in good condition. I think, for me, this will make a big difference. So if I go there and conditions are good I'll probably get on GA then work MM a bit more. However if it is not so great (a la last couple of visits) I'll be mostly crushing Comedy. Sound reasonable?
What kind of fool would spend several sessions on a single tick? You'd be in danger of becoming obsessed, my lad.
Classic mileage on 7's. Will, 1)Be good for fitness, 2)Be good for psyche.
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