Well I'm back from Font. It was great weather, there were no kids to consider and I was rubbish.
Something about PPPPPP, prior preparation prevents and all that...
A summer of sport climbing is all well and good, but it certainly doesn't set you up well for a cheeky week of power in Font come the Autumn, especially when coupled with finger injury the week before departure. Lesson well and truly learned. This was compounded by the fact I felt rough for the whole week. I got home to discover I'd lost half a stone in weight, whilst holidaying in the land of the pastry, indicative of a serious case of consumption I'd say.
Anyway nothing of any note got ticked but a good time was had and I finally did El Poussif which has been a bogey problem of mine for several years. I've consistently tried it each year and it's always felt like it would go but I've reliably fallen short of the top. This Easter's trip I gave it a miss for the first time in several years, and then last week bosh first attempt it goes down, and feels pretty steady, and in front of a gang of young French hot(ish)-shots who then go on to fail on it for a couple of hours (well OK they obviously weren't anything like hot-shots, but they were French and young so the point stands). On a trip like this you need to take all the victories you can, no matter how trivial, so yay for me.
Maybe I should follow Keiths example and lock myself in a garage with a collection of dirty small crimps and a steep board...
Toodle-pip, what? what?
South Snowdonia Bouldering Videos
8 months ago